Adding Sources

In this article, you’ll learn how to:

The Importance of Sources

Adding sources to your course improves your credibility and lets your audience know you’ve done your research. With easy access to information, including false information, it is important to give your audience the confidence that you are presenting trustworthy information. Users can view the sources linked to a published Lifeology course in a popup window by clicking the sources icon at the bottom of any course page. They can also click a source link to open the source you set in the Source library Image of an open book to symbolize sources..

Click here to read more about finding and using reputable sources.

Add a Source to Your Course Library

To add a source to your course, you must first add the source to your Sources library. You can then attach the source to the course from the library.

  1. Click on the Sources library from the side menu.

  2. On the screen that opens, click the + New Source button.

    An image of the Add New Source button
  3. In the window that opens, fill out the required information and click Submit (the excerpt is optional). URLs must begin with https:// or you will get an error.

    Image of form used to log a source
  4. Your source is now listed in the Source library. Continue adding sources for your course or continue to the next step.

    An image of the sources library where you can see your added sources.

Attach a Source to Your Course

From within your course, you can either add a new source to attach to your course or attach a source from the Sources library Image of an open book to symbolize sources..

  1. Click the Coursesan image of three stacked papers representing courses. tab in the side menu. Hover your cursor on the course tile till it darkens, and click Edit Course.

    Image of Edit Course button.
  2. While in the Courses library an image of three stacked papers representing courses., click the Sources tab in the blue header. Then click + New Source to access the Sources library.

    Image of the Sources tab within a course.
  3. In the window that opens, either:
    • Create a new source
      1. Select +New Source
      2. Fill out the required fields
      3. Click Submit
        This creates the source, stores it in the Sources library, and attaches it to the current course. (If adding a source to an existing published course, click Publish to update the published course).

        An image of the fields you fill out when adding a source to attach to your course.
    • Attach a source from the Source library
      1. Select the Library Source tab
      2. Select a source to attach
      3. Click Submit

        Image of attach source selection window.
  4. You’ll return to the Courses page > Sources tab. A banner displays, “Sources will automatically be visible on the published course.”

    Image shows the added source and a note saying the source will be visible on a published course.
  5. When you are done, click Publish.

Note: When adding a source to a published course, click Publish to apply the changes to the published course.

Delete a Source from Your Course

Deleting a source from your course only detaches it, this action does NOT remove it from the Sources library.

  1. Open the course that contains the source you wish to remove:
    1. Navigate to the Courses library an image of three stacked papers representing courses.
    2. Hover your cursor on a course tile until it darkens and tools present
    3. Click Edit Course
  2. Click the Sources tab in the blue header.

    An image of the Sources tab of a course. The Sources tab is circled as well as the delete button next to a source.
  3. Hover your cursor on a source line and click the delete icon Image of a trash can symbolizing the delete icon..
  4. In the window that opens, confirm you want to delete the source by clicking Delete.
  5. If this change was made to a published course, you’ll need to click the Publish button to republish it with the latest changes (a yellow “pending changes” A drawing of a clock with and arrow going around it counterclockwise, this represents the pending changes icon. icon alerts this in the header).

Next: Adding Collaborators

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