Lifeology courses can engage any audience in science and health-related content via story-driven, culturally relevant, accessible and visual content. But creating ultra-accessible, impactful and even life-saving content is almost always a team effort. If the effort seems daunting, that’s ok, because we’ve got you!
We offer a fully managed subscription called Lifeology Enterprise that leverages our world-class team of science communication experts, educators, writers, artists, translators and reviewers to create custom Lifeology courses from start to finish.
We help you achieve success.
From audience research to brainstorming and concept sharing, to building the right team of creators for collaboration, through storyboarding and writing, to custom illustration, to the course and card creation, to copy editing, to fact-checking and reviewing, to language translations, we will help you achieve success.
Whether leveraging our story-driven method or our instructional method, collaboration is a key ingredient to the most successful Lifeology courses. We work with your team of experts to create relevant, digestible and engaging courses tailored to your audience.
With your Lifeology Enterprise subscription, you receive:
Access to our executive Lifeology team and content creators
Lifeology course writing and science/health storytelling training from our Lifeology team
Course Development Services (including complete project management for the creation of your custom course) with both an English and translated language course included
Hosting for all courses, including Lifeology Originals, Lifeology Instructionals, Whitelabeled Lifeology Courses and self-created courses
Ownership of custom, repurposable artwork
Personalized branding and course analytics
White-labeling of courses from our Lifeology Library with custom branding, colors and unique course analytics.
Lifeology Builder Platform access
End user-facing website for course access and use by end-users
Unlimited end-users
Rolling and in-parallel course creation