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  4. Offering Your Course in Other Languages

Offering Your Course in Other Languages

In this article, you’ll learn how to:

What is a Course Stack?

A clip of the Courses page. We click the language dropdown and scroll through the languages in our course stack.

A Course Stack is a stack of language versions for your course. When a Course is made, a tile for it appears on the Courses Page an image of three stacked papers representing courses.of the Builder. Any additional language versions created for the course will be stacked behind the initial course.

Add a New Language to Your Course Stack and Translate it

To offer your course in other languages, you’ll make a new “version” of the course that can be translated and published. Language versions are stacked behind the original course on the Courses page an image of three stacked papers representing courses. and can be selected from the course tile language dropdown. Each language version of the course gets:

  • A language flag A drawing of an American flag, used to represent the language selected flag. added to the course tile

    An image of course tiles on the Courses page of the Builder. An arrow points to the language flag of a course which is located on a course tile beneath the title.
  • A suffix added to the URL corresponding with the selected language (for instance, United States, English would get en-US added to the end of the URL)

    An image of a course URL. An arrow points to the suffix at the end of the URL denoting the language version.

There are two ways to add a new language version to your course stack but the end results differ:

  • +New Language button on course tile – This method creates a blank language version for your course. The title and description copy over from the original course but any settings, cards, or media do not.
  • Duplicate As… – This method allows you to select a language and copy the entire course into a new language version that is stacked behind the original course. Everything from the initial course copies to the new version, including cards, media, and settings. All card content will copy over in the same language as the original course or users can check the Translate All checkbox to auto-translate the content on every course card. A card can also be individually translated.

Create a new Language Version using the +New Language Button:

  1. From the Courses an image of three stacked papers representing courses. page (located in the sidebar), hover the cursor on the course tile you wish to add a new language until it darkens.
  2. Click + New Language.

    An image of the courses page. The new language button is highlighted as well as a small country flag on a course where the language has been added.
  3. In the window that opens, select the language to assign to the course from the dropdown and edit the text responses into the new language.

    An image of the New Language settings page. The Language dropdown is highlighted as well as the title and description because these fields need to be translated to the new language selected.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. To add more language versions, repeat steps 1-4.
  6. Add cards and adjust settings for your course for each language, remembering to click Save after each change.
  7. Click Publish.

Create a new Language Version using Duplicate As… and Translating

Duplicate As… is another way to create a new version of your course and assign a language. Duplicate As… clones the entire course, including the cards and media to simplify the process of creating a new language version. If nothing more is selected, the course copies over in the original language.

Builders can check the Translate All checkbox to have all course cards auto-translated to the selected language. Alternatively, each individual card can be translated independently.

To Duplicate and Translate a Course into a New Language Using Duplicate As… :

  1. Navigate to your course from the Courses page an image of three stacked papers representing courses., hovering your cursor on a course tile, and clicking Edit Course.

    An image of the courses page. The courses tab is highlighted as well as the + New Course button. The cursor hovers on a course tile which has darkened and shows the tools for the course. An arrow points to the Edit Course button on the darkened course tile.
  2. In the header, click the and select An image of two papers stacked, representing our duplicate icon. Duplicate As… from the menu that opens.

    An image of the layout within a course. The ... menu is open and we see the tools available from this menu.
  3. Select the language for the new course from the dropdown. If you wish to auto-translate all of the text for your course cards to the new language, check the Translate All checkbox (optional).

    An image of Duplicate Course As... with chinese selected as the new language and Translate All cards checkbox checked.

  4. Click Submit. The entire course copies over (and cards are translated if selected).
  5. You’ll be returned to the layout within the new language version where you can make further edits.

    If you chose to translate all cards (in step three), update the rest of your course to the new language:
    1. Translate the title, description, and tags by clicking the Course Settings icon An image of a gear representing the settings icon..

      An image of a course and its cards displays. At the top of the screen is an arrow pointing toward the course settings icon which looks like a gear.
    2. Translate any text responses and tags on this page to the new language and remember to click Save after all changes.

      An image of the course settings page. Here you'll see that the title, description, and tags have not auto-translated and will need to be done manually.
  6. To translate any cards individually (optional):
    1. Enter a card by hovering on it and clicking Edit Card.

      An image of the cards page. A preview of each card can be seen in the main part of the screen.
    2. Click Translate >.

      An image of a card settings page with the translate section highlighted.
    3. Select the original language in the From language… dropdown, and the new language to translate the card to in the To Language… dropdown.

      An image of a course card's translate window. The left side has a Translate From dropdown with Japanese selected, and the right side has a Translate To dropdown where we have selected Italian.
    4. Click Translate Text. The new translation displays. If everything is correct, click Add Translation.
    5. Click Save.
  7. If you’ve translated this course to the new language, update any narration:
    1. Remove any old Narration that does not match the updated card text by clicking Delete Image of a trash can symbolizing the delete icon..

      An image of the narration script. The delete button is highlighted as the old narration does not match the newly translated script.
    2. When asked if you wish to delete the audio, click Delete to confirm.
    3. Add narration for the newly translated language by clicking Narration +.

      An image of a single card with the narration section highlighted.
    4. Click + Add Narration Script.
    5. In the window that opens, select a voice from the dropdown and click Generate Audio.

      An image of the select voice and preview narration box. The select voice  dropdown is highlighted and the Generate Audio button has an arrow pointing at it.

    6. Play the preview. If it sounds good, click Add Narration.

      An image of the narration preview window. The play button is highlighted as well as the Add Narration button.
    7. Click Save.
  8. When finished with your edits, click Publish.

Duplicate All

Duplicate All is a global operation, meaning it affects the entire stack of courses, literally making a copy of all language versions in a course stack. This feature is accessed from the Courses page an image of three stacked papers representing courses., by hovering your cursor on a course tile until tools are presented. Then click and select Duplicate All An image of two papers stacked, representing our duplicate icon. from the menu.

To Access Duplicate All:

  1. Navigate to the Courses page an image of three stacked papers representing courses.
  2. Hover your cursor on a course tile until tools are presented
  3. Click … and select Duplicate All An image of two papers stacked, representing our duplicate icon. from the menu
An image of the Courses page. The cursor is hovered over a course, which darkens it and presents tools. The ... menu has been clicked and displays its options which include copy link, export, duplicate as, and delete all.

Duplicate All An image of two papers stacked, representing our duplicate icon. duplicates all language versions in a course stack. However, Duplicate As…An image of two papers stacked, representing our duplicate icon. (shown below) only duplicates the single language version you are in, not the entire course stack.

An image of a Lifeology course. You can see the course cards on the main screen. The ... menu is open and displays the options which include: preview, copy link, export, duplicate as, and delete.

Delete All

Delete All Image of a trash can symbolizing the delete icon. is a global operation, meaning it deletes the entire course stack of all language versions for that course.

To Access Delete All:

  1. Navigate to the Courses page an image of three stacked papers representing courses.
  2. Hover your cursor on a course tile until tools are presented
  3. Click and select Delete All Image of a trash can symbolizing the delete icon. from the menu
An image of the courses page. The cursor hovers over a course. The course tile darkens and it appears the ... icon was clicked. Four options open in a popup window: copy link, export, duplicate all, and delete all.

Note: The other tools in a course tile’s menu (shown above) include Copy Link An image of a chain link symbolizing the copy link action. and Export An image of an arrow pointing up out of a container, symbolizing the export action.. These two tools apply only to the language version selected, not the whole course stack. Copy Link An image of a chain link symbolizing the copy link action. copies the course URL to the clipboard. Export An image of an arrow pointing up out of a container, symbolizing the export action.downloads a zip folder with the course media and template.

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